
Showing posts from April, 2023

Self-Assessment Video


Journal Entry 6

QUESTION #1:    As of all the feedback that I have received so far, I would say that my baseline is somewhere between 3 and 5. The reason why I believe this is my baseline is because while receiving feedback I would sometimes get feedback for things or ideas that I thought were good but for other people it didn't seem to make any sense so they would give me feedback, but I would sometimes take it, or I would either not use their feedback. Having this issue sometimes it will make me feel not too sure of myself in other words I would not be expecting feedback from ideas I thought were good to include in either my essay or projects.  QUESTION #2:  If I compare my emotions to that of a medalist, I will say I feel like I always win 3rd place. The reason why I would say that I would win 3rd place is because I am always okay with it. Due to the point where I know that I tried my best and that will have to do. Another reason is because I don't necessarily play any sports so I won't

Journal Entry 5

  If I have to think about the number of times, I revised for any specific topic then I would say not a lot. The reason why I would say not a lot is because before starting college I never really fully understood what revising was or how it was done. As probably maybe the first time I ever revised I would say am fairly new to it but am getting the hang of it every time I revise for my papers. I would say that as my writing it does reflect a lot on how I revise for a specific topic and what things I gather from my source is what matters and what really takes or is important from my paper is to know what research I will be using that is great with what I want to inform about my topic. And I do believe that how much you put into revising really can affect your writing process wither in a positive or in a negative way. As most writers are already masters of revising, they have a better way to track what they already revised but as for me I would say that am somewhere in the middle I have t

Journal Entry 4

  QUESTION #1  The thing I would love to discover from my primary data collection is why would individuals as in college students find social media to affect them either in a positive or a negative way. I want to see what they think about social media and what they think are some affects to it.  QUESTION #2  The population that I want to target for my research essay is college students. The reason why is because most of the students use social media as a guide, escape or as a friend. Due to me also being a college student I want to know what other think about social media and how it is taking over. And I want to also know if am the only college students that thinks this specific way about social media. QUESTION #3  For my research question I will also be conducting a survey and there will be a total of 15 participants. These participants will have the option to answer some questions that I have conducted about social media. These questions are simple ones that include either a yes or n