Journal Entry 5


If I have to think about the number of times, I revised for any specific topic then I would say not a lot. The reason why I would say not a lot is because before starting college I never really fully understood what revising was or how it was done. As probably maybe the first time I ever revised I would say am fairly new to it but am getting the hang of it every time I revise for my papers. I would say that as my writing it does reflect a lot on how I revise for a specific topic and what things I gather from my source is what matters and what really takes or is important from my paper is to know what research I will be using that is great with what I want to inform about my topic. And I do believe that how much you put into revising really can affect your writing process wither in a positive or in a negative way. As most writers are already masters of revising, they have a better way to track what they already revised but as for me I would say that am somewhere in the middle I have the idea down on how to revise but I sometimes revise information that I had already revised and would get confused on certain information. But if I have a system to track my sources, I have revised then in the future I won't do such a confusing, silly mistake ever again.


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